The report submitted by the Senior Superintendent of Police Srinagar before the state human rights commission on Thursday revealed that the despite a lot of efforts to trace the culprits no clue was found and the case was closed. The SSP Srinagar in his report also stated that all the records regarding the case kept at police station Kralkhud were washed away during the devastating floods in 2014.
The SSP Srinagar was directed by the Chairman State Human Rights Commission to justice (rtd) Bilal Nazki to submit the status report as to why the police had delayed the investigation into January 21, 1990, Gaw Kadal massacre.
The petition regarding the case was filed by chairman international forum for Justice and Human Rights Muhammad Ahsan Untoo in July 2012 and since then he has been religiously pursuing the issue.
The SSP in his report said that strenuous efforts were made to trace the culprits but no clue struck. “Finally the investigation into the case was closed as untraced,” the report reads.
It states that the records pertaining to the case including case diaries kept at police station Kralkhud were washed away during the devastating deluge of 2014 and the file has now been retrieved.
” Matter is under process for.presenting the final report before the court of law,” the report reveals. The case is now listed for argument on February 28th.