As per the latest reports, the Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education will release Class 11 Result 2018 soon. According to a board official, the result is expected to be released on 2/9/2019.
On January 08, 2019, the students were searching for class 11 result and it was expected to be declared on the same date at 7:30 pm. But it was not announced on January 08. However, there was no information available regarding the result declaration officially. Now, it is expected to be released on 9 feb evening.
The candidates will get the JKBOSE 11th Result 2018 for Kashmir Division online on the official website i.e. on or on India Results. The link of the result will be available on the homepage. In order to check the result, the students will have to submit the roll number or the name of the student. The roll number of the students must be the same as present on the admit card.